Coaching Up: LinkedIn Profiles
Work is finished for the day, home-improvement projects are completed, it’s time to turn to a self-improvement project – upgrading your LinkedIn profile. There are so many items on your to-do list, and this is the perfect time to claim victory over that checkbox!
In uncertain economic times, for those of us who are actively looking for new roles, updating your LinkedIn profile might be just the ticket. How can you make your profile more findable? What are recruiters looking for? What would make your profile stand out?
It might be wise for all of us to take a look at our profiles for a few minutes and listen to a few tips from Pinnacle Search Partners’ President, Bill Creekmuir, who loves to coach candidates on upgrading their profiles.
“Be More Findable.” The more information that you share in your LinkedIn profile, the easier it will be for recruiters to find you. Bill encourages his candidates to not put their full resume on LinkedIn; instead, add three significant accomplishments from each company and add a few sentences describing the company that you work(ed) for.
“Keywords are important!” Along with becoming more findable, the words you use in your profile help recruiters or others find you in their searches. If you have worked with a middle-market Private Equity-backed company, include it. If you have worked with Family-Owned Businesses, mention it. If you have completed acquisitions or mergers, driven sustainability, used IFRS (Global Accounting Principles), managed key accounts, focused on the healthcare or food & beverage markets, highlight it!
“Upload a professional picture.” LinkedIn is a professional community, and a professional headshot goes a long way to show companies that you are at their level. Make sure that you are in a well-lighted space and dress the part. Also, as beautiful as all the other people are, let this be a solo picture.
One tip Lindsay Fluke added to the conversation: if you have been out of a job for any length of time, recommendations can help employers see your potential. Ask someone reputable from your last role to write a short paragraph for you on LinkedIn. Their support can go a long way.
So, what if I am not looking for a job, and I do not want my employer to get nervous that I am updating my profile? There is a nifty setting in your privacy settings called “share job changes” – turn it on or off as you wish.
While things are slow, take the time to upgrade your profile! Please share your personal tips and tricks in the comments below.
Happy upgrading!