August Executive Recruitment Round-Up

At Pinnacle Search Partners, we strive to provide the information you need to succeed. Each month, we find new studies to share, ask hard-hitting questions, and cultivate lists of advice. Subscribe to see our most compelling posts every month. August was a great month at Pinnacle. We continued to help companies and candidates achieve their goals, fulfill their dream, and enrich lives. We explored the topic of age discrimination with our LinkedIn community and shared insights on improving your LinkedIn profile. Read on to learn more about what we shared.

Age Discrimination.

Can it ever be justified?
We asked our LinkedIn network this question last week and the results are in.
13% of voters said YES, while 87% of votes said NO.

 When examining the comments, one respondent said that the word “ever” within the question caused them to say YES. Another backed up this argument by saying “it depends on fit for purpose.”
As we stated last week, 78% of older workers reported having witnessed or experienced age discrimination in the workplace in the year 2020.

On the other side of the spectrum, the issue of reverse ageism was brought up. Many young workers endure ageism in the workplace or face the assumption they do not have enough working knowledge compared to older candidates during the interview process.
So, we now see that ageism affects more people in the workforce than just older workers.
The majority of voters stuck their flag in the “NO” camp on this issue. One commenter questioned how any kind of discrimination could ever be justified.
All in all, the debate continues, but the majority of Pinnacle followers that participated in the poll found that no, discrimination can never be justified.
At Pinnacle Search Partners, we are constantly asking hard questions and researching industry standards. Check back in next week for another thought-provoking poll!

 8 Ways to Improve Your LinkedIn Profile!

1.   Keep your Experiences and Job Descriptions Up to Date!

2.   Post a compelling and comprehensive description of yourself and your professional experiences under “About.”

3.   Update your profile photo with a professional headshot and add a high-quality photo as your background. Try using a photo of the city you live in or a landscape of one of your interests.

4.   Optimize your Head Line.

5.   Be Intentional about what Skills you promote.

6.   Always be looking to grow your network with people relevant to your industry.

7.   Interact with others on the platform – like, comment, and share!

8.   Post! Ask your network thought-provoking questions or share a relatable story about yourself.

Follow us on LinkedIn at Pinnacle Search Partners for industry knowledge, tips, and job opportunities and don’t forget to share. See you next month!