September Executive Recruitment Round-Up

As an organization with an aptitude for helping companies and candidates achieve their goals, we are dedicated to sharing pertinent information to help our network hire and be hired. September was another strong month for Pinnacle Search Partners. Both of our polls received a significant amount of engagement and we continued to share current and applicable news and advice with our followers and subscribers. Additionally, we announced our membership with the US-Ukrainian Business Council. We look forward to USUBC members and Pinnacle Search benefiting from this new relationship. Read on to learn more about what we shared in September, and don’t forget to subscribe!

Polls and Results of the Month

What kind of work schedule benefits the workplace the most?

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Only 13% of voters felt that an in-person work structure was the most beneficial. 

One commenter backed up their vote by stating that “not many want to admit that there are obvious inequities of effort with remote and hybrid” work.

Yet, the majority of voters disagreed.

23% of people that participated in the poll believe that a fully remote schedule is most beneficial, while a whopping 64% believe in the hybrid model.

With the advantage of flexibility, inclusivity, and the advancement of modern technology remote and hybrid work models have remained popular in the aftermath of Covid-19.

What is the most important thing to look for when bringing on new talent?

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52% of voters believe Potential is the most important quality for a new hire to possess.

26% felt that Overall Demeanor (otherwise known as Attitude and Aptitude in the industry) was most important.

22% voted for Experience.

With Potential being the clear winner, what are some major indicators of potential noted during the interview process? How do you strive to demonstrate potential when looking for a new position? 

Tips and Tricks of the Month

3 Ways to Improve Work Day Productivity

1. Set up a clear list of attainable goals every morning.

2. Utilize Time Blocking. 25 minutes of deep work followed by a 5-minute break is a great way to structure your work schedule throughout the day.

3. Be intentional about your breaks. Taking a break from screens, going for a walk, or eating a healthy snack are all great ways to reset.

Industry Knowledge

Top 10 Cities for Gen Z Workers

Gen Z is the newest generation to enter the workforce and they are heavily considering factors such as affordability, diversity, and high-quality community spaces in where they choose to settle down.

CommercialCafe conducted a study to find the best places in the U.S. for Gen Z to call home, stating, “Generation Zers are graduating and looking for their first jobs — and with the ubiquity of remote jobs, they have more flexibility than ever in choosing where they settle down. With this in mind, we set out to rank the cities that have the most potential as Generation Z havens.”

The study based the list on the following factors: affordability index, number of Gen Zers compared to the rest of the population of the city, school enrollment, unemployment rate, internet speed, recreational establishments, green commuting, and parks per resident.

Here are the Top 10 Cities for Gen Z Workers!

1.   Atlanta, GA

2.   Minneapolis, MN

3.   Boston, MA

4.   Tucson, AZ

5.   Raleigh, NC

6.   Columbus, OH

7.   Seattle, WA

8.   Austin, TX

9.   El Paso, TX

10. New York, NY

“Atlanta is a great candidate for ticking all of Gen Z’s boxes — community, walkability, economic prospects, and educational opportunities.”


Pinnacle Joined the USUBC this month!

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Pinnacle Search Partners recently became a member of the US-Ukrainian Business Council (USUBC).

As a boutique executive search firm with a national footprint and global reach, and the first Executive Search Firm on the council, we hope to help Ukrainian professionals find the best opportunities in the US, while simultaneously helping US-based companies find Ukrainian talent.

Pinnacle is a global Executive Search firm, that offers clients a fresh approach to talent needs around the world. Pinnacle has the size and flexibility to move fast and deliver a superior experience to our clients and candidates. 

With the utilization of our extensive network and industry knowledge, we look forward to making a positive impact with the help of the USUBC platform.